Episode 18: Vlad Moskovski - Mindfulness in Education

What's Vlad reading: Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace) by Chade-Meng Tan

I am very excited for this episode because it dives into a topic that has grown to have significant meaning in my life. And that's meditation and mindfulness. Also known as mindful living. 

You may be thinking…what does this have to do with education? Well, bear with me and you'll see. It has everything to do with long-term education.

It’s why Vlad calls meditation “technology of the mind.” 

I've talked about this a little bit before on the show, so some of you know why I have such a passion for education. 

I grew up with a single mother on welfare who somehow found the money to send me a private school. It wasn't a boarding school or anything like that. The tuition wasn't very much, in fact, but even a few hundred bucks a year was very difficult for her to come up with. I didn't realize this until maybe high school. 

During this time I was introduced to meditation and it quickly become part of my daily ritual. I didn't really know much about it, but just thought that it was cool. After I grew into a consistent practice I began to sense such a deeper understanding of who I am and what I want to do in the world. I realized how important my education has been to my success in life when all the statistics would say that as an adopted child raised by a mother on welfare, I would be anything but successful.

So, meditation is something I personally believe in. I wouldn't call myself a meditation expert at all, which is why I am bring my friend Vlad onto the show today. 

Vlad runs a meditation practice over in the San Francisco Bay area and has been integrating mindfulness practice into the surrounding high school area. 

We chat about a few things, but mostly on how mindfulness can benefit students and grow emotional intelligence.

It's one of my favorite conversations and I hope you enjoy it!

Click here for some of the research we mention. 

Connect with Vlad here:

Website: CompassionateLeaders.org

Vlad's crowd funding program! Let's help him reach his goal by April 25th! 

Email: info@compassionateleaders.org 

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