I’m creating a community for business-owning dads interested in being a great father and growing a business without compromising one or the other.

I invite you to be a part of it. 

My goal is to build this into a deeply supportive space for candid feedback in the pursuit of financial and time freedom. Because this will be a pilot, joining the community is free until the official initial launch date (~Oct 1st), and then you can decide whether to stay in or not. There is no pressure. 

The Vision

Imagine a thriving community where business-owning fathers share their journeys, challenges, and triumphs. This community will empower you with insights, innovative ideas, and unwavering support to succeed as entrepreneurs and fathers.

I’ve already seen this vision come to life through a group coaching journey with business-owning dads over the past few months, and I am excited to see it come to life in a wider community.


Phase 1 of the community offers,

  • Collaborative Learning: Online co-working sessions and discussions on business and fatherhood.

  • Emotional Training: A facilitated space to share struggles and victories and the tools to help with this.

  • Work-Life Harmony: Tools to balance business aspirations and family commitments.

Phase 2 will offer,

  • Mentorship and Guidance: Q&A with seasoned entrepreneurs and experts in parenting and business.

  • In-Person Gatherings: Opportunities to meet IRL, including an annual intensive retreat.

  • Workshops: Early access to Fathers Without Compromise workshops

  • Group-Coaching: Early access to Fathers Without Compromise group-coaching with expert facilitators 


Our shared experiences will help you become a more effective leader and a more present father. Together, we will define a new path for other conscious men to follow. 

What to Expect


Asynchronous Messaging Platform 


Co-Working Session

  • 1 x Week 90 min Co-Working Session

The Sharing of Wins

  • Fridays

  • 9:30-10amEST

The Morning Call

  • Mon-Thurs at 9:30-9:50amEST

  • Share what you are working on that day and what support you need


2 x 1hr drop-in men’s coaching circle


Create Connections

  • Reach out for a 1:1 call with at least one other father in the group per month.

Bring Your Challenges  

  • Share what is really going on, and be specific about the kind of support you need 

Share Resources

  • Is something helping you grow your business or be a better father? Share it.

100% Confidentiality

  • This is a deeply supportive community, and what is shared here stays here.

This is for Fathers Who

  • want to be a great dad

  • value financial and time freedom

  • question the status quo

  • run a business (could be a side hustle)

  • do the inner work (you likely know parts work)

This is not

  • This is not a casual space to share memes or random articles. Instead, share questions, stories, and video/audio messages. 

  • A space to sell your stuff unless someone asks to learn more about your offering

Fill out the application using the link above to express your interest in joining. Because this is a pilot program, I want to make sure that everyone in the community is fully committed and that it’s a heaven-yes for them. 

If you have any questions, email me at mark@markwguay.me

Your number is used to add you to Signal, the messaging platform. You will need to download Signal if you do not have it already. If you have any questions, text or email me at mark@markwguay.me. You can also read more about me at my website. 

With deep respect and gratitude,

Mark Guay

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