An interview-style podcast that asks the question "What are the edu-innovators of today doing to transform education for tomorrow?"

Mark W. Guay Mark W. Guay

Episode 15: Jennifer Vollmann - New Global Citizens

On this episode of The Transforming Education Podcast, I interview Jennifer Vollmann from New Global Citizens. Jennifer is at the head of this move connecting students to non-profits and connections to create opportunities for students to engage in a globally connected work style very much like the world of work they will be graduating into.



I'm so, so, so excited to have Jennifer Vollmann on the show with us today to share her insights on preparing students to be global citizens.

New Global Citizens Logo.jpeg

The focus of this week's episode is on how we can prepare students for the global world and help students realize how their actions will impact the world on a global level. 

Students graduating today will be graduating into a world that Daniel Pink, Seth Godin, and Sir Ken Robinson all agree is a global world. Students will live in a world that crosses cultures on a daily basis without ever having to board a plane. All it takes is a click of a button. 

Outsourcing, partnering, and creating new bodies of work that we can't  even think about today will involve an intricate web of global networking.

Jennifer is at the head of this move connecting students to non-profits and connections to create opportunities for students to engage in a globally connected work style very much like the world of work they will be graduating into.

I love this kind of stuff, especially since I was the student who sat in school and wanted to know the clear connection the content I learned had to do with the real world. 

Jennifer's work with New Global Citizens is doing just that. 

So, for any of my listeners who are want to know how to best prepare their students to become global citizens or for the education entrepreneurs looking for how to take your startup idea from napkin to real work business plan, Jennifer can help give you the insight needed.

Jennifer shares 

  • How New Global Citzens was formed
  • The need for a Global IQ score
  • The benefit of travel (virtual and real) for students worldwide
  • What the global economy looks like for graduates today

Quick note:

I'm 99% done with my e-book that serves as a toolkit for school leaders on how to use social media. It takes all that I've learned as both an educator, my M.S. Educational Leadership, and my marketing MBA study. If you have any questions you'd like me to answer in the book, just send them over to

If you haven't yet done so, please head over to iTunes and give an honest review of the podcast

Find out more and reach out to Jennifer at,

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