An interview-style podcast that asks the question "What are the edu-innovators of today doing to transform education for tomorrow?"

Mark W. Guay Mark W. Guay

Episode 12: Chris Plutte - Global Nomads Group

On this episode of the Transforming Education Podcast, I interview Chris Plutte from Global Nomads Group. Tune in to listen to our conversation on building global students through dialogue that bridge borders and cross cultures. 

Imagine a world where students bridge borders and cross cultures all with the click of a button? 

Meet Chris Plutte from Global Nomads Group  He shares his background in international peacekeeping efforts and how that led to co-founding this unique non-profit that connects students of differing backgrounds. 

Chris is the leading expert on global student discussions and the current GNG focus is on building classroom connections between students in the U.S. to students in the Middle East.

A bit about Chris: He is a sought after speaker on media, youth and conflict and has been on Today Show, CNN, NPR, Education Week. So as to say, I was a bit nervous having him on the show and honored that he joins us today. Chris opened and directed all of Search for Common Ground’s  programs in Rwanda.  And during his time in Rwanda he introduced innovative programs for peace building using technology in the classroom. 

Quick Note: This episode is brought to you by the Google Plus community: Schools Gone Social, a community of school leaders and teachers using social-media to its fullest potential. Join the group by going on Google plus and typing in "Schools Gone Social" and clicking "Ask to join". 

On the call, Chris shares the following information which you can travel to below by clicking on the hyperlink:

Reach out to Chris and his team on Twitter: @global_nomads and @chrisplutte 

Email his team at

One last thing: 

Please take a second and give this podcast an honest rating in ITunes. Click here to go to iTunes directly. I created this podcast for you and want to hear from you!

Feel free to reach out to me at anytime at or @markwguay. Your comments and thoughts mean so much to me as I continue to build this podcast on transforming education. 

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