An interview-style podcast that asks the question "What are the edu-innovators of today doing to transform education for tomorrow?"

#Transformedu Podcast Mark W. Guay #Transformedu Podcast Mark W. Guay

Episode 1: Edwin Dannen on the History of NYC Education

Ditch the education history book, meet  Edwin Dannen, the grandfather of NYC Education. He started his work in the NYC Education Department right after World War II. He gives us the perfect perspective of where education has come from and helps direct its future. 

Episode 1: Edwin Dannen 

"The Grandfather of NYC Education"

June 18th, 2013

Wow! You know that feeling when you're in the presence of someone with such intellectual wisdom and experience, it becomes daunting. That's what I felt like this week when talking to Edwin Dannen. This man has seen it all and can arguably be called the greatest role model for the youth today. At age 93, he's still rocking and rolling and enjoying life; he even shares his thoughts as a lecturer at Hofstra University. 

He joins in on the call this week to share his most recent thoughts on education and its needed transformation. 

To get in contact with Edwin, he shares his personal email address with you:

What do YOU think we can learn from education leaders like Edwin who have been around the block a few zillion times?

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