Episode 8: Google's Connected Classrooms w/ Lisa Jiang

We are currently preparing students for a world that we know very little about. The world we live in now is truly remarkable and something we could never had predicted in the 1970s and 80s. The one thing that we can agree on, however, is that the world got a lot smaller when we fit the internet in our pockets.

I truly believe that we are living in a new renaissance - one that allows ideas to spread with a click of a button and zero budget. It's an amazing time to be alive and a truly amazing time to be a student.

To date, Google has been a leading superpower in making these changes and I am so excited to hear that Google has just taken one giant leap in building the global classroom with its new program Connected Classrooms. 

Today on the call, I have with me Lisa Jiang, one of the founders behind Google's new Connected Classrooms  program. 

On the call, Lisa and I chat about:

  • The value of cross-cultural communication
  • Building the global citizen
  • Global Nomads Group and their role in creating conversations that matter on an international level
  • How virtual field trips do not replace field trips, yet create an opportunity like never before

You can find out more on the show by joining Connected Classrooms on their Google Plus homepage. and sharing your thoughts. 

You can contact with Lisa on Twitter at @callmelisaj.

I hope you get a lot out of this episode and would love, love, love to hear from you. So please send me an email at mark@markwguay.com or tweet me @markwguay.

Mark W. Guay

Hi. I’m Mark. I help people build a great story. 


Episode 9: Move This World w/ Anya Warburg


Episode 7: Alliance for a Healthier Generation - Brian Weave