Episode 9: Move This World w/ Anya Warburg

Last week, I had Google on the call sharing their story about Connected Classrooms, and on this episode I share another way to get students from different parts of the world communicating more effectively.   


On the call with me today, I'll be chatting with Anya Warburg from Move this World.org  a non-profit that uses creative movement as a vehicle to transform conflict, violence and bullying in communities.

If you have any questions for me, feel free to send me an email at mark@markwguay.com or tweet me at @markwguay.

Just a quick note, this show is for you, so let me know what you think and leave an honest rating on iTunes. 

“Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes...it makes the world a better place.” - Daniel Pink

Want to learn more? Here's the contact info:

Twitter: @move_thisworld 

Website: Movethisworld.org 

Mark W. Guay

Hi. I’m Mark. I help people build a great story. 


Episode 10: UX Designers - Hilary Fenton and Rachel Bolton


Episode 8: Google's Connected Classrooms w/ Lisa Jiang