Episode 5: Jessica Wilt and @ArtsEdTechNYC

Photo Credit: Phil O' Brien from ClimbingFish.com 

Photo Credit: Phil O' Brien from ClimbingFish.com 

 This episode is brought to you by Christa McCauliffe Academy, a global online k-12 school that creates personalized education for the creative mind, bringing together remarkable students from around the globe. 

On this episode: 

I'll be talking with the most influential change-agent in amping up the arts in education, Jessica Wilt. Turning STEM into STEAM, she pushes the school system to realize the importance of the arts as a vehicle to enhance all other subject areas. 

As a professional dancer, Jessica has tap danced her way into education, serving as a teacher, college professor, and now an entrepreneur and writer. Currently, she runs ArtsEdTechNYC and blogs for the Huffington Post.

Follow Jessica at @ArtsedtechNYC and Jessicawilt.com. Her email address is  info@jessicawilt.com

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I'd love to hear your thoughts on our conversation, so please leave your comment below.

Keeping it on the positive,

Mark at The Transforming Education Podcast

Mark W. Guay

Hi. I’m Mark. I help people build a great story. 


Episode 6: Pop Fit Kids


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