An interview-style podcast that asks the question "What are the edu-innovators of today doing to transform education for tomorrow?"

Mark W. Guay Mark W. Guay

Episode 11: Matt Niemitz - Adobe Education Exchange

On this episode of The Transforming Education Podcast I have the head of the Adobe Education Exchange program, Matt Niemitz. We dive into a deep conversation about creativity and how educators from all around the world are sharing ideas to help spark students' creativity. 

What happens when a bunch of educators get together to share their most creative lessons? You get Adobe's Education Exchange program.

On this episode of The Transforming Education Podcast I have the head of the Adobe Education Exchange program, Matt Niemitz. We dive into a deep conversation about creativity and how educators from all around the world are sharing ideas to help spark students' creativity. 

It is such an incredible conversation and I think Sir Ken Robinson's ears must be ringing, because we tie in his work quite a bit. 

On the call, Matt shares the following information which you can travel to below by clicking on the hyperlink:

  • Sir Ken Robinson's book "Finding Your Element"
  • The Importance of Creativity
  • The Globally Connected Teacher
  • What Makes a Great Lesson for Creativity 

Reach out to Matt and his team on Twitter: @mattniemitz  @AdobeEdu

Please take a second and give this podcast an honest rating in ITunes. I created this podcast for you and want to hear from you!

Feel free to reach out to me at anytime at or @markwguay

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Mark W. Guay Mark W. Guay

Episode 5: Jessica Wilt and @ArtsEdTechNYC

I'll be talking with the most influential change-agent in amping up the arts in education, Jessica Wilt. Turning STEM into STEAM, she pushes the school system to realize the importance of the arts as a vehicle to enhance all other subject areas. 

Photo Credit: Phil O' Brien from 

Photo Credit: Phil O' Brien from 

 This episode is brought to you by Christa McCauliffe Academy, a global online k-12 school that creates personalized education for the creative mind, bringing together remarkable students from around the globe. 

On this episode: 

I'll be talking with the most influential change-agent in amping up the arts in education, Jessica Wilt. Turning STEM into STEAM, she pushes the school system to realize the importance of the arts as a vehicle to enhance all other subject areas. 

As a professional dancer, Jessica has tap danced her way into education, serving as a teacher, college professor, and now an entrepreneur and writer. Currently, she runs ArtsEdTechNYC and blogs for the Huffington Post.

Follow Jessica at @ArtsedtechNYC and Her email address is

Traveling Cup DSCN1447.jpg

I'd love to hear your thoughts on our conversation, so please leave your comment below.

Keeping it on the positive,

Mark at The Transforming Education Podcast

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